Friday 27 April 2012


If one were looking at my design for the first time with a fresh set of eyes, they may or may not understand its relation to the folie, therefore just in case - here's a simple way of putting how my mind translated one into the other :)

1. Coming out of the water - birth
Shading structures emersing from the ground, sometimes going back into the ground and in others not
2. Life experiences and goals
Seeing the high mushroom structure and aiming to get there through the multiple paths
3. Multiple choices, multiple access/exits

Reflected in paths with multiple directions, multiple access/exit
4. Height differences in columns (city buildings)
Use of contours and landscape
5. Some columns (city buildings) more crowded than others
Use of stalls and strategic placement of trees
6. To be seen from everywhere (on and off site)
Mushroom roof attracting and being seen by everyone no matter whether in/out of the site


2, 3, 4, 6.

The reason as to why I decided to use outdoor spaces and landscapes is due to the fact that I personally find them more beautiful especially being an international student in a foreign country away from everything I know, the places that make me feel more at home are green spaces - parks, nature in general. It does not judge or influence, I can be who I really am without feeling uncomfortable, and it isnt made to be used in a certain way - its natural, you have the freedom to use it as you please - whether you sit on it, crawl under it or climb it's sides. It makes you feel connected, relaxed and acts as a home away from home, and deep inside - that's a way of inter-culturalism.

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